Welcome to Holzmedia.
The specialists for prime media furniture
in communication rooms.

Holzmedia Smart Furniture
for the perfect synthesis of fine furniture
and media technology.

The right solution
for every requirement:

The right solution
for every requirement:

The right solution
for every requirement:

The right solution
for every requirement:

The right solution
for every requirement:

The right solution
for every requirement:

The right solution
for every requirement:

The right solution
for every requirement:

The right solution
for every requirement:

The right solution
for every requirement:

The right solution
for every requirement:

The right solution
for every requirement:

... whether wall-mounted

... or mobile

The right solution
for every requirement:

Current Project:
Golding Capital Partners GmbH,


Impressive innovations at ISE

Media furniture for independent technology integration


Media furniture solutions from our concept line
Tables, standard or
Customized conference
room solutions


Solutions which we have realised for our customers

Choose one of the following four product-categories

The AVard

We are proud of this as well as the other prestigious awards our company has received!


Our showroom is not just an exhibition, it is a space of discovering and exploring our products. Live and fully functioning.


Here is the beginning of your dialog with Holzmedia. No matter of general questions
or concrete project – you’re welcome to contact us.

Holzmedia GmbH

Neue Straße 10
71576 Burgstetten

+49 7191 3447-0